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Investigating Animals Senses 4th grade Science
Students worked with partners to explore different animals senses as they read the trade book Investigating Animals Senses and came up with questions related to the topic to help them read the informational text more closely.
Uploaded Oct 02, 2022 by Ryan Cherry -
3rd Grade Animals Traits Activity
Students explored a series of animal cards (think baseball card like) and analyzed the similarities and differences between traits of different organisms.
Uploaded Oct 02, 2022 by Ryan Cherry -
Week 6 of 2022-23 | 5th-8th Grade Science
This week's slideshow highlights: Several pics of students displaying the NGSS Science & Engineering Practices of "Carrying out investigations", "Analyzing-Interpreting-Collecting data", "Obtaining, evaluating, & communicating information", and "Engaging in argument from evidence" as they like to share their ideas in front of the class; 8th grade continued investigating their SEPUP Forces & Motion Inquiry Unit by exploring the variable of mass on kinetic energy of an object and what causes an object to change direction; 7th grade dug deeper into their Inquiry Unit on "From Cells to Organisms" by investigating past scientific discoveries that led to the development of "Cell Theory of Disease" and they also began a lab exploring "how can we find evidence that cells are alive?"; 6th Grade continued their exploration of "Geologic Processes" by learning about the role of volcanoes in forming various types of igneous rocks as they continue to develop ideas on "Where to store nuclear wastes?"; 5th Grade explored the "Moon Phases" with an interactive/cooperative investigation trying to figure out the correct cycle of Earth's moon's phases. Thank you for checking in with us this week:)
Uploaded Oct 01, 2022 by Gerard Kovach -
Chicago Community Murals
The 3rd and 4th graders did an amazing job on their murals to represent their community's resources, landforms, bodies of water, and climate.
Uploaded Sep 30, 2022 by Erin Cole -
Capital Letters Scoot
Students received a review mini lesson of capital letters. They learned that we capitalize: names of people or pets, names of places, stand alone I, days of the week, months of the year and beginning of a sentence. Then they put it to practice with this scoot!
Uploaded Sep 30, 2022 by LeiAnna Carrasco -
Decatur's Lego League Team's First Meeting: 2022-23
Dectatur's Lego League After School Program kicked off this past week with a fun community-builder activity where each member wrote a question on a note that would help all members get to know each other better and then placed it inside a balloon that they blew up. The team then went outside on the turf, threw them up in the air for a few minutes, caught a balloon made by another member, and read the notes to each other out back at our new mosaic benches. This helped ensure that each member was able to get to know the names of their teammates, and learn something new about each other. Once back inside in Ms. Mendoza's Maker-Space Room, the team began digging into and discussing some videos that we posted on our Lego League Google Classroom page so that the team members can become acquainted with the overall theme for this year's competition!
Uploaded Sep 24, 2022 by Gerard Kovach -
Week 5 of 2022-23 | JHS Science
This week's slideshow highlights: 8th grade students continuing their SEPUP explorations of "Force & Motion" by collecting, analyzing, and interpreting their lab groups' experimental data on how gravitational potential energy affects the speed and kinetic energy transfer of a motor vehicle upon impact in a collision; 7th grade class continued their SEPUP investigations in their "From Cells to Organisms" biology unit through an interactive simulation of the spread of an infectious disease. The students used deductive reasoning to determine the source and action of the infectious disease by analyzing the class data sets; 6th grade continued their inquiry into their SEPUP unit "Geologic Processes" though their first lab investigation of how Earth's composition between sedimentary rock derived from sand vs clay interacts with ground water aquifers, thus helping them gather more evidence to support their claims around the issue of "Where is the safest place to story nuclear wastes?"; 5th grade moved into their first SEPUP unit "Solar System & Beyond"; and all classes spent some class time on Friday using their "Earned Game Time Points" to continue to strengthen classroom community by playing board games with their classmates. Thank you for checking in with us this week:)
Uploaded Sep 24, 2022 by Gerard Kovach -
4 senses lab 4th grade science
As we try to answer how animals get information through their senses from their environment we explored our senses and how we collect information to be able to apply it to our unit on the declining Tokay Gecko population.
Uploaded Sep 23, 2022 by Ryan Cherry -
Science Globe Exploration
Students worked together to label on the globe, where it is daytime and nighttime in the world.
Uploaded Sep 23, 2022 by LeiAnna Carrasco -
SEL - Happiness
We have been talking about happiness and what brings us happiness.
Uploaded Sep 22, 2022
Now we are drawing what makes us happy!