Rebeca Viquez » Weekly Updates 2024-2025

Weekly Updates 2024-2025

Dear Parents,

To support our students' success in Spanish, we are excited to share the vocabulary we will be covering in Lesson One. To reinforce learning, we encourage you to have your child practice this vocabulary at home.

  • Daily Practice Time: To achieve optimal progress, please encourage your child to dedicate the following amount of time each day to Spanish classwork/vocabulary review:
    • 3rd Grade: 5-10 minutes
    • 4th Grade: 10-15 minutes
    • 5th Grade: 15-20 minutes
    • 6th-8th Grade: 20-30 minutes

Students are also responsible for taking their notebooks/folders  home to review and practice these vocabulary units regularly. By incorporating these practices into their daily routine, students will be well-prepared for each lesson.

For our Kindergarten through 2nd grade students, we invite you to decide the amount of time you spend practicing Spanish vocabulary with your child. Any amount of time you can dedicate will be beneficial and greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your support in helping your child succeed in their Spanish studies!