Fall Sports Parent Orientation Night | Google Meets Call

Fall Sports Parent Orientation Night | Google Meets Call
3/14/2022, 6:00 PM 6:30 PM

We will be hosting a virtual parent orientation for Fall Sports on Monday, March 14, from 6-6:30 PM. You can join the meeting with the Google Meet link on this invitation.

The agenda for this meeting will be as follows:

  1. Decatur Sports’ Vision

  2. Introduce the coaches

  3. Scheduling

    1. Practices

    2. Games

  4. Forms and Fees

    1. Parent Consent Forms

    2. Student Registration Forms

    3. Sport Fees (the can be paid through this link)

  5. Health and safety

  6. How parents can support this year

Please complete this Google Form with any questions you may have, we want to make sure you have all the information you need.

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